Friday, February 15, 2008

Masquerade or Birthday Party?

These were a few of our guests. Can you tell who they are?

Our Little Valentine's Birthday

Halie celebrated her 3rd birthday on Valentine's Day. Wes had the day off, and Mackenzie was in school, so Halie had the day with just Mom and Dad by herself. We had a great time shopping for her birthday present and picking up her cake. We then had a small get together with family. We had a great day.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Guess Who is Finally Potty Trained?

After much difficulty Halie decided to go to the potty on her own. I am giving credit to Kassidy for motivating her to do so. Kassidy was calling her names such as "Pooh Pooh Pants", and "Baby, Baby, Pooh Pooh Head." I guess Halie didn't like being called names and decided to go potty. Thank you Kassidy!

Tooth Fairy Visited the Allen's

Mackenzie lost her first tooth on Monday, February 4, 2008. She feels like she is all grown up now that she has a hole in her mouth.

Table Manners?

Peyton learns a new way to eat his dinner. He thinks it is great fun to turn his plate up on top of his head! So much for taking a bath before dinner!