Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Guess Who is Finally Potty Trained?

After much difficulty Halie decided to go to the potty on her own. I am giving credit to Kassidy for motivating her to do so. Kassidy was calling her names such as "Pooh Pooh Pants", and "Baby, Baby, Pooh Pooh Head." I guess Halie didn't like being called names and decided to go potty. Thank you Kassidy!


The Real Fantastic Four said...

Yea!! She's potty trained. I bet you are so excited. Now you only have 2 diapers to change :)

The Real Fantastic Four said...

By the way I love the pic of Mackenzie in the morning!

Shana said...

Brandy, this is such great news!!!! 2 down, 2 to go!! I can't imagine what you paid for diapers every month. :( Give Halie a high 5 for me, that's exciting.